Our Spirit
The Taieri High School and Mosgiel Intermediate closed at the end of 2003. The new school that was born was Taieri College. We tried to capture the spirit of what had gone before and pass it on to a new generation.
Kate Coates and Cameron Lord (head students 2024) handing over the Taonga to Bella MacKenzie and Caleb Walker (head students 2025)
This taonga symbolises the 'spirit' of The Taieri High School passed on to its successor, Taieri College.
'Marama' - the Moon. Renewal and change but remaining the same.
Koru 'Fern Frond' - new life and growth.
'Fern Root and Kumara' - as staples for the body, mind and spirit.
Artist - Ewan Duff, Otepoti - Dunedin
Iwi - Ngai Tahu - Te Atiawa
Pounamu - Putiputi, New Zealand Flower Jade
Blessed by Rev Selwyn Yeoman, 5 December 2003
Each year the Taonga is handed over by the guardians of the college spirit, the departing Head Prefects
to the Head Prefects of the following year. This is done on the final day of the college year at the junior prizegiving.
Taieri College Cultural Narrative
A cultural narrative recognises the historical relationship between the area and its mana whenua. It describes what is unique about the place and the people our school is part of, building a common understanding of traditional and spiritual connections, heritage, and values.